Tuesday, August 08, 2006

You're Joking Right??

New Program Gives Farm Families $25,000 Safety Net

So, the government is now giving a guarantee that farmers will make a minimum income of $25,000/year. Sure it's in the experiment stage, but this is bullshit.

We have GOT to stop bailing these guys out. They have to make revenues of $50,000 minimum, which means that people utilizing this program are making $50,000 but have expenses that exceed $25,000. Well, maybe you need to look at restructuring your cost system.

Do you think corporations don't have troubles like this?? And does the government bail them out!!? NO. It's not the government's job. These corporations restructure their cost system to lower costs and bring in higher margins. And if they're unsuccessful, then the corporation folds. It should be exactly the same for farmers. I think we need to stop propping these people up and let them realize the consequences of the industry they're in. It's time to give up the family farm and go find another job.

I'm not saying quit farming. You can work as a farmer, but not be the owner of the farm. Either way, get an off-season job to supplement your income. I work all year round and so should the farmers. I don't complain when I don't make as much as I wanted. If my pay goes south, I deal with it somehow, I don't beg the government for money.

Farmers, stop taking our money!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i read a little bit of uninformed ranting, and i'd say i'm probably not going back to that site, sorry...

if you're gonna rant down the working class, you can go sit on your high horse and watch the world fall apart around you due to the inconsiderate and ignorant actions of selfish people who hide under the guise of a corporate umbrella...

you wanna go tell those families who live on their homestead of over 100 years that they gotta leave because they haven't considered their cost structure!?! are you on crack? do you honestly think the government doesn't bail out corporations?

check out this site: corporate welfare... just a few examples of corporate welfare...add up the numbers...BILLIONS of dollars given to corporations fucking up, let's add up the dollars given to farmers...minimum 25,000 a year, well, i assure you there aren't 100,000 farmers earning less than $50k a year, and that in itself adds up to way less than a single billion, let alone multiple billions...

man, if you're gonna rant ignorantly about people changing their lifestyles, at least have something intelligent to back it up with...

it's pretty rare that by reading someone's opinion on the net that i still get this riled up, but god damn, this sort of ignorance really pisses me off...

did you eat today? thank a farmer...

10:14 PM  
Blogger Ross said...

i would have to say that someone wouldn't, or at least shouldn't go into farming without knowing the risks involved such as unstable markets, and unpredictable weather. however, in my opinion there isn't a more noble, or thankless profession than being a farmer, every year they brave the elements to provide food and other essential products to an ungrateful society. also, contrary to your statement, i have never heard of a farmer that would take the winter off, every one i know still has work to do in the winter whether it is cattle, moving grain, or simply preparing for the spring. and many farmers i know also have a source of second income, whether its bartending, going to the rigs, welding, selling cars, trucking, cooking, working at a hog barn, being a mechanic, or driving bus, and those are just a small handful of second professions of farmers that i know. and besides, $25,000 isn't a lot of money when it comes to farming, that would barely cover the fuel bill for a year on my family's farm, and we are probably only considered an average farm. i know of guys who's fertilizer bill alone is a quarter million dollars for a year.

10:59 PM  

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